Intercom Role Based Access Control

Intercom is an application to communicate with your customers. Because so many people within an organization would need access to an application like this it was important that Intercom introduced Role Based Access Controls or user permissions.

Types of Permissions:

For each team member Intercom allows you to choose whether they have access to things like app settings, billing, user data, or native to the Intercom app the ability to send / edit manual messages and auto messages.

Full Access

A full access user has every read/write permission in Intercom, including app settings and billing.

Restricted Access:

When a user is Restricted in Intercom they lose functionality to edit app settings, team members and billing.

Additional restrictions:

  1. Prevent exporting user & company data.
  2. Prevent sending messages to more than one person at a time.

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Permissions by app: Acquire, Engage, Learn and Support

Viewing Permissions

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What’s Not Here

Intercom doesn’t allow permissions that prevent it’s users from interacting with customers in different of scenarios. You may want your Sales team to only speak with customers on the main website, or acquiring landing pages. You may want your Support team to only speak with people in certain parts of your application.

This was published on Nov. 22, 2016.

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